Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Conservation Of Madagascar And Its Lemurs Biology Essay

The Conservation Of Madagascar And Its Lemurs Biology Essay The unprecedented island of Madagascar is not at all like anyplace else on earth. Generally the size of France, with a territory of 226,658 square miles, it is the universes fourth biggest island. It lies in the Indian Ocean, approximatly 250 miles off the shore of Southern Africa. Madagascar, and the minuscule island of Comoro, give the main present-day local environment to lemurs (Butler, 2009). Nicknamed the eighth Continent in view of its decent variety of species (Hooper, 2005), Madagascar comes up short on the predominant type of primates circulated around the world. Rather, their specialty has been filled by a more established gathering of primates, the Lemurs. Because of Madagascars confinement, lemurs have a fascinating transformative history. Madagascar was initially part of the too mainland Gondwanaland. As Gondwanaland broke separated around 160 million years back, Madagascar split away from Africa (Carwardine, 2009). The Island kept on floating, moving endlessly from Africa and by the advancement of monkeys, 17-23 million years back, Madagascar was at that point segregated. As exceptionally wise and versatile primates, monkeys, immediately turned into the prevailing primates around the remainder of the world. The Strepsirhini, the suborder that incorporates the lemurs, lorises, bushbabies, and pottos, were driven away and towards annihilation by these propelled primates. The lorises, bushbabies, and pottos had the option to moderately effectively exist together with the monkeys, to a great extent because of their nighttime and insectivorous characteristics. They didn't contend with the monkeys; be that as it may, the lemur ancestry was headed to locate another home, Madagascar (Baines, 1997). As the island of Madagascar floated futher from Africa, the lemurs were then segregated from the remainder of the world and its transformative changes. They are currently By far the most prestigious and various gathering of Madagascars vertebrates (Sauther, 2009). They have spread all through Madagascar, filling the specialties absent a lot of rivalry or predators. Today lemurs are found in practically the entirety of the biological systems of Madagascar (Carwardine, 2009), many have adjusted in stunning and peculiar manners to guarantee their endurance. Higher primates or homo-sapiens didn't arrive at Madagascar until around 2,000 years prior, when they figured out how to explore the oceans (Oldfield, 2002). Once there, people started to efficiently demolish the already immaculate island .15 types of lemur are known to have become be wiped out, however a lot more are thought to have vanished before they were even found. As of now all lemurs are at serious risk, to a great extent because of natural surroundings obliteration and chasing. Madagascars territory is as differing as its untamed life with beach front fields, mountain ranges, sensational ledges, and thick rainforest. In that capacity, there is an incredible assorted variety of biological systems, each with varying vegetation and in this manner: various species. This is for the most part as per help, topography and precipitation. The principal people to show up on Madagascar were the progenitors of the Sakalava individuals, who began in Indonesia and now live in the West of the island. These early pilgrims working on moving development, consuming the already immaculate vegetation. In the ninth and thirteenth hundreds of years separately, the progenitors of the Merina individuals and Betsileo clans of Northern Madagascar additionally showed up from Indonesia, and started cultivating rice. During the most recent 1,200 years individuals from Africa and the Arabian Peninsular have likewise settled in Madagascar, carrying with them Zebu cows. Numerous customary functions and ceremonies are based around Zebu steers, even today numerous Madagascians measure their riches by the quantity of Zebu they own. As such there is presently more Zebu than individuals on Madagascar. Consistently immense territories of vegetation are singed trying to improve field for these creatures (Oldfield, 2002). In 1895 Madagascar turned into a French state. These new pilgrims started reaping significant hardwoods for send out, for example, blacks and rosewoods, the collecting of these trees proceeds with today. The jeopardized Dalbergia delphinensis tree is one of more than 30 rosewoods undermined because of particular felling (Oldfield, 2009). The limited appropriation of this species additionally matches with a proposed site for a titanium mine which undermines all the staying beach front backwoods in Southeast Madagascar (Kimball, 2009). Additionally to its impairment, Madagascars rainforests contain significant minerals, for example, gold and sapphires. Endeavors to extricate these postures further dangers. Mining is one of the numerous dangers to Madagascars woodlands and the numerous species that depend on them. Wood is likewise cut for fuel and many logging organizations are quick to secure woodland concessions. Another danger is the nearby type of moving development known as tavy. The greater part of Madagascars 13 million human occupants rely upon the land for their job. Enormous measures of woodland are cleared each year by cut and consume methods for rice development, maize and cassava. Numerous territories are depleted of their supplements and afterward relinquished, the optional vegetation that at that point develops is known as savoka, this is in the end supplanted by meadow (Oldfield, 2002). Madagascar is home to an enormous 10,000 or so plant species, 80% of which are endemic to the island (Carwardine, 2009). In spite of the fact that Madagascars creature decent variety is less striking, numerous species are one of a kind to the island. More than 250 flying creature species, almost 50% of which are endemic to the island, 300 types of reptiles, over 90% of which are discovered uniquely on Madagascar (Oldfield, 2002). The islands just creatures of land and water, 178 frog species, which are all endemic and in excess of 33 known types of lemur possess Madagascar, the greater part in its draining rainforests. As indicated by the Botanist, Henri Perrier de la Bathie, writng in 1921, The once powerful rainforests of Madagascar have declined significantly. As ahead of schedule as 1921, felling had wrecked 90% of Madagascars timberlands (Sauther, 2006 ). Organically, it is viewed as probably the most extravagant zone on earth (Green, 1990), be that as it may, nobody has ever figured out how to make a full assessment of Madagascars many undermined rainforest species. Preservation status data on certain types of creatures and trees has been collected, however is not even close to finish. Of the rainforest types of lemurs alone, compromised species incorporate the Indri, just as the Aye-affirmative, Hairy-eared Dwarf Lemur, Golden Bamboo Lemur and the Red-bellied Lemur. As indicated by Ian Tattershal in Michelle Sauthers report, Lemurs: Ecology and Adaptations, there is general understanding that the lemurs, including the as of late wiped out subfossil structures, ought to be ordered into seven families: Cheirogaleidae, the diminutive person lemurs with five living genera; Lemuridae, the genuine lemurs and their nearby family members, with five genera (one terminated); Lepilemuridae, with two genera (one wiped out); Indriidae, with three living genera, Archaeolemuridae, with two genera (both wiped out); Palaeopropithecidae, with four genera (all wiped out) and Daubentoniidae, the yes ayes, with a solitary living class and species. Contingent upon whose characterization is acknowledged, living lemurs may number up to forty unique species and potentially even up to seventy two species, if subspecies are remembered for the check. With these numbers, and in spite of late eliminations, Madagascar positions third most noteworthy on the rundown of high-primate decent variety nations around the world (Sauther, 2009), notwithstanding being just a single tenth of the size of the world head, Brazil. These types of lemur are endemic to Madagascar. As indicated by the ICUN Red List of Threatened Species, every one of these animal groups has various dangers to their endurance. Numerous lemurs, for example, the Red-ruffed Lemur, and numerous sorts of bamboo lemurs are basically jeopardized. With a radically decreased environment there are hardly any left in nature. The Hairy-eared Dwarf Lemur, Golden-earthy colored Mouse Lemur, and the Black and White Ruffed Lemurs are not as near eradication, yet are recorded as jeopardized. A portion of the lemurs recorded as helpless incorporate the Black Lemur, Crowned Lemur, and various Fork-checked Lemurs. Maybe the most surprising lemur species have for some time been wiped out. These incorporated the Archaeoindris, which was bigger than a grown-up male gorilla, the Babakotia and the Magaladapsis. All lemurs are secured by law, and in numerous networks it is viewed as untouchable to kill an Indri, yet somewhere else, the Indri, and numerous different types of lemur, are pursued for food and once in a while sold as hedge meat or pets (Carwardne, 2009). Madagascar has endured natural debasement over a huge piece of its property mass. When secured with rainforests, a large portion of the Eastern third of Madagascar is currently, either fruitless, or decreased to bush land. As indigenous vegetation is cut and consumed for fuel numerous territories, for example, the Spiny woodland, which contains numerous uncommon plant and creature species endemic to the island, have offered approach to desert plant scour. Around 80% of the first plant spread has been crushed and a great part of the landscape is presently corrupted prairie (Oldfield, 2002). Every year, a further 1% of Madagascars backwoods are leveled. This mass deforestation not just influences the land and its occupants legitimately, yet additionally in a roundabout way. Without vegetation to retain dampness the dirt is disintegrating endlessly at a disturbing rate. Enviromental guidelines have been set up to secure the timberlands and types of Madagascar since 1881 and at present, more cash is put towards the preservation of Madagascar, than some other piece of Africa (Butler, 2009). Madagascar is one of the universes most unfortunate countries, with a for each capita salary of around $240 every year. Around 80 percent of the populace are means ranchers, a significant number of whom rely totally upon regular funding to help their lifestyle. The people groups reliance on the land and normal assets is of significant outcome to Madagascars biological systems and endemic biodiversity (Kremen, 2010). The major natural issues of Madagascar incorporate deforestation, and in this manner loss of environment, farming flames, ero

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Comparison: John Donne and William Shakespeare

Examination: John Donne and William Shakespeare Considering Shakespeare’s 450th commemoration a remark has been interrogated regarding his pieces significance in today’s time. Numerous understudies contending and addressing why it is important for Elizabethan pieces to be concentrated in today’s writing. The subject of how Shakespeare relates in todays times is constantly been asked and through this intelligent exposition I will show how and why it is pertinent. I will examine in various sections why it relates in todays time through the comprehension of the subject, structure and the lovely strategies using John Donne’s Holy Sonnet 10 and Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18. The topics of the sonnets draw on thoughts of various kinds of intensity, including the intensity of religion and the intensity of the composed word. Donne catches the intensity of conviction perfectly in his illustrations and exemplification of death. By Donne featuring a person’s dread of death and playing on the thought a person’s soul can endure passing; through this he effectively makes a ground-breaking topic and a Catch 22 of everlasting status. This subject can be seen all through his sonnet for example line 8: ‘rest their bones and soul’s delivery’. Donne’s topic s plays on the thoughts of the job of death in an ordinary life. He depicts it as the best approach to break liberated from the difficulties that go with one lifetime. Donne may appear to be taunting or assaulting demise however he is in truth not yet rather he contradicts the ordinary thought that passing is horrendous which can be found in line 2 â€Å"Mighty and loathsome , for, thou craftsmanship not so.† These topics in piece 10 despite everything identifies with today’s time for some explanation. Initially, all through the poem Donne gives the possibility of post-existence, or the way that you will ‘break free’ after you pass on. These lines help identify with numerous religions that are still around in todays time. The idea of eternal life has been a ‘hot topic’ in today’s time as it was in Donne’s time. This conviction of your soul’s everlasting life identifies with incalculable individuals, since simply like me individuals fear passing and put stock in an interminable eternal life. Work 18 by Shakespeare centers around the intensity of the composed word and how the sonnet itself has intercourse everlasting. In work 18 Shakespeare accentuates the possibility that, when imagined in a sonnet, love never bites the dust: â€Å"So long as men can inhale, or eyes can see, so long carries on with this, and this offers life to thee† (lines 13 and 14). This poem identifies with todays times, the same number of individuals including myself accept that affection never passes on. In the film â€Å"The Notebook† the subject â€Å"love never dies† shows itself well all through it. With the possibility of the two characters being infatuated from such a youthful age demonstrates to me that affection never kicks the bucket which relates poem 18 in todays time using motion pictures. Both Donne and Shakespeare composed and both utilized numerous important strategies of this type of verse. The two sonnets comprise with the utilization of quatrains and a couplet in a 14 line poem. In Donne’s Holy Sonnet 10 he utilized a rhyming plan that is like a Petrarchan piece which is comprised of 14 lines and a rhyme plot. The rhyme plan will for the most part goes ABBAABBA which is then as a rule followed by CDCDCD. In any case, in work 10 Donne completes it marginally in an unexpected way. The works last six lines are comprised of CDDCAA and on the off chance that you look cautiously you can see some various things occurring. In line 13 the word â€Å"swell’st,† which rhythms with past words â€Å"dwell† and â€Å"well.† Donne has recently positioned an additional rhyme which is known to be somewhat odd. Donne has organized his sonnet in a manner that would expect you to articulate certain words to make them rhyme. For example you would ne ed to articulate the words structure â€Å"eternally† and â€Å"die† to â€Å"eternal-lie† just to make it rhyme. This can relate in today’s time using music. For example, a well known rapper named Eminem had the option to rhyme the word orange to various different things that didn’t spell the method of a rhyme however rather using the articulation a rhyme was made simply like Donne in work 10. Rap is extraordinary case of how these pieces despite everything identify with todays time as the two of them utilize the structure of rhyme. If you somehow managed to consider music in today’s time you would have the option to see that most specialists would comprise of a specific structure to their music to keep it streaming particularly rhyming. The Holy Sonnet 10 likewise utilized the predictable rhyming to help with underlining specific words which are significant. These particularly happen toward the start or parts of the bargains lines. Poem 18 has organized their work with the utilization of non-serious inquiries. For example, the principal line of poem 18 â€Å"Shall I contrast thee with a summer’s day?† This line has utilized non-serious inquiry to improve the exaggerative language and correlations which make the story and are normal in most verse. The rhyming in poem 18 contains an ABAB CDCD EFEF GG rhyme plot. Voltas are likewise clear in piece 18as the creator utilizes end stop lines to help upgrade the arrangement of control which reinforces the story. Shakespeare’s poem 18 effectively utilizes Iambic pentameter to make a sentiment of conspicuousness just as a tranquil sense. This structure is clear in today’s time. Much the same as Donne’s work 10 the utilization of rhyme in music helps reveal to me that the structure of pieces is as yet applicable right up 'til today. There are various lovely procedures that can be found in Donne’s work 10. Donne’s sonnet frequently utilizes similar sounding word usage to help in cadence and rhyme which can be found in line 4 and 6; â€Å"much delight then from thee substantially more should stream (line 6). Donne’s piece utilizes arrogances all through the work as it announces that rest and passing are comparable. The piece likewise utilizes exemplification of death to help express to the peruser that demise isn't the end, and hopefully the peruser will identify with it which at that point builds the topic of endless life. The piece at that point utilizes a wide conundrum about forever as Donne presents that demise doesn't execute however just takes care of you, this Catch 22 improves and feature the expected subject and story of the sonnet which is unceasing life. These graceful procedures can in any case be seen in today’s times. For instance in numerous kids books the utilization o f similar sounding word usage to help rhyme words can be seen. This can be found in a celebrated creator Dr Seuss who represented considerable authority in similar sounding word usage to guarantee his sonnets would rhyme. This encourages me understand that idyllic strategies are as yet applicable today and are utilized to help create youthful children’s minds. Shakespeare’s poem utilizes different measures of beautiful procedures. Right off the bat the utilization of similar sounding word usage can be found in lines 7; â€Å"And ever reasonable from reasonable once in a while declines†. Which helps keep a feeling of mood and rhyme in Shakespeare’s piece. Much the same as Donne’s sonnet Shakespeare likewise utilizes arrogances in his work which can be seen when he looks at an individual to a summer’s day. Shakespeare likewise utilizes metaphors all through his sonnet which overstates and feature the examinations of his companion or sweetheart to nature. Shakespeare’s 450th commemoration has brought up many issue of why it is as yet pertinent in today’s time. In this intelligent paper I have examined why it is as yet significant in today’s time using topic, structure and beautiful procedures. I have examined how subjects are as yet important in today’s time using motion pictures and how structure and idyllic strategies can be found in music and books. I trust it is as yet pertinent in today’s time through all the current day things that require and utilize these old procedures. Life: A Fusion Of Pleasure And Pain Life: A Fusion Of Pleasure And Pain A blend of bliss and distress; an excellent mixing of light and dim. Human presence is contained a joining web of happiness and gloom; a web from which we can't get away. A significant number of the works that we have perused in class ponder this combination that we call life. Maurice Blanchot enough sums up the embodiment of human presence as cited from The Infinite Conversation: The man of the world lives in subtlety and by degrees, he lives in a blend of light and shadow, in confounded charm or fickle average quality: in the center. Grievous man lives in the extraordinary pressure between contraries, going from a yes and no confusedly converged back to a yes and a no that are clear and obviously saved in their restriction. He doesn't consider man to be a tolerable blend of ordinary characteristics and legitimate failings, yet as a bearable gathering of extraordinary loftiness and outrageous dejection, a muddled nothingness wherein the two boundless qualities collide.1 Basically, uncertainty characterizes our life: the disastrous world. People are one of a kind in the way that we can be injured, not just in the physical sense, however in the truth that a person or thing can break our trustworthiness. Georges Bataille states that man varies from creature in that he can encounter certain impressions that injury him and dissolve him deeply. 2 This evident the truth is the thing that makes us powerless to the irresoluteness of life; the conviction that enthusiastic enduring can be dispensed onto us by others. In Madame Edwarda, Georges Bataille amusingly alludes to the whores vagina as an injury; 3 deducing the combination of joy and agony for the storyteller. From the outset, one may feel that her injury should carry only sexual joy to the storyteller, anyway her injury at last causes him enthusiastic misery from numerous points of view. Madame Edwarda distinguishes herself as God, drawing the storyteller further into her enticing subliminal therapy. By introducing

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Politics Of Western Europe Essays - Michael Ignatieff,

Governmental issues of Western Europe BLOOD AND BELONGING This is an investigate of the book, Blood and Belonging, by Michael Ignatieff. This paper will clarify the subject of the book and its significance, examine Michael Ignatieff's strategies and ends on the subject lastly incorporate an individual investigate of the book by the creator of this paper. The writer of the book goes on what he terms the six ventures. On these ventures he experiences various societies, as he goes to six diverse agreeing regions of the world. He analyzes the exceptional articulation of patriotism that every people shows by meeting different individuals from that specific culture. The six zones that he goes to are explicitly picked for the clearness which patriotism is communicated in the public arena. Patriotism is a factor contributing toward both present conceivable future insecurity in these territories. These territories are previous Yugoslavia (explicitly Croatia and Serbia), Germany, Ukraine, Quebec, Kurdistan and Northern Ireland. As indicated by Ignatieff, in Croatia and Serbia there is a longing for a separate character between the two countries. The dread of losing one's national character has caused ethnic scorn. A dread so solid and generally steady, it has driven individuals to a frantic state to do anything. This is an enormous supporter of the explanations behind the outrageous savagery present there today. The creator expresses, A Croat, subsequently, is somebody who isn't a Serb. A Serb is somebody who isn't a Croat. This citation significantly communicates the shallow mindset present in their contention. In his movements in Germany, the creator calls attention to a significant question. Does the country make the state, or the express the country? This inquiry by a wide margin doesn't stop here, particularly when Germany is the subject. The substance of the German individuals is seen by some as forceful also, hostile, in this manner the presence of the German issue. On the off chance that the country makes the state then Germany will consistently be a danger. On the off chance that the state makes the country, at that point the forceful idea of the German country, which lead the world into two worldwide wars, can be outfit and diverted. The inquiry has its underlying foundations and replies in the ongoing reunification of Germany. The Ukraine is worried about not being Russian. It is here Ignatieff gets a total vision of what patriotism is. He states, I comprehend what patriotism truly is: the fantasy that an entire country could resemble an assembly; singing similar songs, tuning in to the same gospel, having similar feelings, connected not exclusively to one another be that as it may, to the dead covered underneath their feet. Quebec is a model that presents a potential eventual fate of the state framework. Ignatieff utilizes the case of Quebec to show the connection among patriotism and federalism. He suggests that if federalism bombs in Canada it can flop anyplace. If the equalization among ethnic and common standards isn't kept up in Canada, who isn't a devastated nation and has a huge, fruitful economy; at that point maybe the cutting edge world has not risen above the grips of patriotism. The Kurds speak to a country without a state, who find themselves encompassed by different countries who are increasingly forceful patriots. The term Kurdistan is a meaning of the territories utilized by Ignatieff to clarify the territory of significant Kurdish masses focus. There is no genuine fringes, no banner, no legislature and Kurds must recognize the state wherein they live (i.e., - Syria, Turkey, Iran what's more, Iraq), of which, isn't Kurdistan. At long last, the 6th excursion finishes in Northern Ireland. He makes the perception this is the perfect spot to finish up his task. Northern Ireland contains a repeat of the topics that appeared to be so common in different excursions. In Ireland ethnicity, religion and governmental issues are completely bound into one articulation or character. These are moreover clear in the five past examinations. Is Michael Ignatieff's work applicable? The response to this question is, yes it is. The issue is significant. Patriotism presents itself as a wonder. The inquiries of why individuals need to hold a social personality and the manner in which they approach saving it is still unanswerable. Evermore impossible is the viciousness saturated through nationalistic articulations, which are vital by the gatherings included. The very presence

Quanitative Resaerch Analysis Quantitative Study

Question: Talk about theQuanitative Resaerch Analysisfor Quantitative Study. Answer: Presentation: In the view purpose of Ang, Rockstuhl and Ng, (2014), the motivation behind an examination is to clarify the variety on the planet. Factors are the names given to the change that an analyst wishes to clarify in the investigation. In any sort of trial, there stay two factors, the needy one and the free one. The factors are the powers or the parameters that causes an adjustment in another variable. This specific diary is planned for distinguishing the various factors utilized by Zhang and Oczkowski, (2016) in their examination Exploring the potential impacts of ostracize modification bearing. An itemized investigation of the factors utilized in the quantitative examination will be continued. The examination depends on the diverse change of the relegated ostracizes over the distinctive social and national limits because of globalization. Notwithstanding the examination of the factors, the diary will concentrate on the inspiration remembering the factors for the reasonable system and the extent of remembering different factors for the investigation. Factors of the Research: The significant factors that have been perceived in this specific investigation are diverse modification, social insight and the social change. Aside from these factors, there are different factors like age, sexual orientation, calling and working environment experience too that have been perceived as different factors of the examination (Zhang Oczkowski, 2016). These factors can be clarified underneath: Subordinate Variables: Subordinate factors are the ones that are influenced at the hour of directing an exploration. Multifaceted alteration (CCA) is the reliant variable of the examination (Zhang Oczkowski, 2016). Culturally diverse modification has been characterized as the major mental factor, regularly known as mental stuns that are the qualities of specific side effects of a person to act as indicated by the circumstance. As called attention to by Crowne, (2013), socially balanced exiles will in general be increasingly open to the host culture. They can include new practices and standards as indicated by the host nations. The total research paper depends on this depended variable. Autonomous Variable: Autonomous factors are the ones that are controlled at the hour of directing the examination. The free factor that has been distinguished in this examination is social knowledge (Zhang Oczkowski, 2016). As indicated by Malek and Budhwar, (2013), social insight is the ability of an individual to relate and work successfully in a culturally diverse condition. The social insight of an individual relies upon the elements like demeanor, intellectual force and the conviction of an individual. Social insight or social asymmetry has the moderate effect on modifying the progressions and the difficulties in the earth. Interceding Variable: The interceding or the mediator variable is the one that is utilized to get a connection between the two factors utilized in the examination study. The interceding variable utilized by Zhang and Oczkowski, (2016) is alteration bearing. It is the ability of an individual to adapt up to the circumstance where they have a place with in the event that if there is a distinction in the way of life of the individuals present in a specific spot. This variable has been helpful in understanding the connection between the variable and free factor. Inspiration for Including the Variables in the Conceptual Framework of the Research: The point of remembering these factors for the hypothetical system of the examination is to join the critical components that control the capacity of an individual to adapt up to the circumstance with socially various individuals (?ahin, Gurbuz Kksal, 2014). So as to reveal the significant observational connection between the two factors, it is imperative to make a two-way stream exile and this propels the creators to join the two factors in the calculated system of the examination (Zhang Oczkowski, 2016). Likewise, the capacity of an individual to modify with the circumstance and the result of the alteration is similarly significant. These are the purposes behind joining the factors in the applied structure. Methods for Measuring the Variables: The creators have utilized the inspecting size of 200 respondents in determining at a specific end. The Australian exile in China and the Chinese ostracizes in Australia were the significant center gathering of the examination. The under graduated understudies were the significant center gatherings who were mulled over for the specific research study. The reliant variable diverse alteration has been spoken to by two sub-develops SCA and PCA. So as to assess this, SCA was estimated utilizing the Black and Stephenss 14-thing scale recipe (Zhang Oczkowski, 2016). Then again, PCA the 12-thing general wellbeing scale has been applied to screen the various degrees of prosperity of the workers in authoritative settings (Zhang Oczkowski, 2016). The connection between the intellectual social knowledge has been estimated by the methods for these formulae. Extent of Including Other Important Variables: In the event that the foundation of the factors that have just been utilized in the investigation is thought of, it must be said that there remain the extent of including various different factors too. The most significant factors that have better extent of remembering for the investigation are age, sexual orientation, intellectual conduct, understanding of the individual with other various societies. Of these referenced factors, calling and the experience of managing individuals from other culture can be considered as the most significant factors that would shape the examination concentrate the correct way. End: An examination of the various factors utilized by the creator in the investigation has been done in this diary. The observational examination embraced by the creator has various factors that have been pleasantly acclimatized to get the prospected result. The applied system utilized by the creators assisted with making a superior comprehension of the whole investigation in an impression. Furthermore, various factors that could be remembered for the examination has additionally been proposed. It very well may be handily expected that age, sexual orientation, experience and calling of an individual are significant elements that interface social knowledge with culturally diverse modification. References: Ang, S., Rockstuhl, T., Ng, K. Y. (2014). Execution based social insight (CQ): Development and approval of an intercultural situational judgment test (iSJT).Center for Leadership and Cultural Intelligence. Crowne, K. A. (2013). Social introduction, enthusiastic insight, and social knowledge: An exploratory study.International Journal of Cross Cultural Management,13(1), 5-22. Malek, M. A., Budhwar, P. (2013). Social insight as an indicator of ostracize change and execution in Malaysia.Journal of world business,48(2), 222-231. ?ahin, F., Gurbuz, S., Kksal, O. (2014). Social insight (CQ) in real life: The impacts of character and universal task on the advancement of CQ.International Journal of Intercultural Relations,39, 152-163. Zhang, Y., Oczkowski, E. (2016). Investigating the potential impacts of exile modification direction.Cross Cultural Strategic Management,23(1), 158-183.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Happiness in Brave New World :: Brave New World Essays

Bliss in Brave New World     Huxley infers that by annulling terribleness and mental torment, the courageous new worlders have freed of the most significant and magnificent encounters that life can offer also. Most outstandingly, they have relinquished a strange more profound joy which is suggested, yet not expressed, to be pharmacologically out of reach to the utopians. The magical premise of this assumption is dark.   There are indications that a portion of the utopians may feel a not well characterized feeling of disappointment, a discontinuous sense that their lives are good for nothing. It is suggested, further, that on the off chance that we are to discover genuine satisfaction and significance in our own lives, at that point we should have the option to differentiate the great pieces of existence with the awful parts, to feel both delight and misery. As defenses go, it's a decent one.   Be that as it may, it's despite everything backward. Whenever squeezed, we should yield that the casualties of ceaseless misery or agony today needn't bother with intervals of satisfaction or sedation to realize they are enduring awfully. In addition, on the off chance that the unimportant relativity of agony and delight were valid, at that point one may envision that pseudo-recollections as neurochemical curios permeated with the surface of pastness would carry out the responsibility of differentiation similarly just as crude frightfulness. The neurochemical marks of history repeating itself and jamais vu give us pieces of information on how the re-building should be possible. In any case, this kind of trick isn't on Huxley's plan. The away from of Brave New World is that any sort of medication conveyed bliss is bogus or inauthentic. In comparative style, all types of human hereditary building and obvious social molding are to be associated with a similar reputation. Alternately, th e normal satisfaction of the attractive, light haired, blue-peered toward Savage on the Reservation is depicted as increasingly genuine and credible, though transient and some of the time mixed with distress.   The difference among valid and bogus joy, be that as it may, is itself risky. Regardless of whether the thought is both comprehensible and conceivably referential, it's not satisfactory that common, childish DNA-etched personalities offer a more legitimate awareness than accuracy built rapture. Profoundly particular and site-explicit originator drugs [and, at last, hereditary engineering] won't cause things to appear to be unusual or outsider. Unexpectedly, they can convey a more noteworthy feeling of authenticity, verisimilitude and enthusiastic profundity to crude conditions of biochemical delight than the present parochial origination of Real Life.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Career Services Newsletter Highlights COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog

Career Services Newsletter Highlights COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Our Office of Career Services (OCS) is very active in the lives of our students.   The job of OCS is to help our current students prepare for immediate engagement in the policy world upon graduation and to assist alumni with continued career development.   The following are some of the highlights of the most recent OCS Newsletter that was sent to our students.   This list should give you a peek into the wonderful service afforded to our students and alumni. _____________________ Economic and Political Development, Human Rights and Urban and Social Policy Alumni/Student Networking Reception On Thursday, February 17, 2011, from 6:00-8:00pm, the New York City Career Series will host the Economic and Political Development, Human Rights and  Urban and Social Policy  Alumni/Student Networking Reception at the Scandinavia House, 58 Park Avenue (near East 38th Street). Hundreds of alumni from the New York City area and series panelists are invited to attend. The reception will provide an exciting opportunity to network with alumni in your field of interest. Japan Travel Program for U.S. Future Leaders â€" Application Deadline: Friday, February 18, 2011 The Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership (CGP), in collaboration with the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA), will implement the Japan Travel Program for U.S. Future Leaders for the third time. The goal of the program is to foster a new generation of future leaders in the United States who are interested in achieving a greater understanding of Japan and its roles in global affairs, and in engaging in dialogue and interchange with their counterparts in Japan. The Program will invite approximately twelve (12) first-year graduate students no more than two from each U.S.-based APSIA school with full membership to Japan as a group for a period of approximately ten (10) days in August, 2011. The group will consist of students who currently are or previously have been engaged in Japan studies as well as those who successfully demonstrate a serious interest in Japan but may not have previous exposure to the country. To see a sample itinerary, visit SIPAlink’s Career Resource Library section and click on “Japan Travel Program 2010 Itinerary Reference Only.” This itinerary is for illustrative purposes only. CGP will organize all aspects of official programs and bear all program-related costs of the group, including travel and per diem (accommodations and meals). Costs not covered by CGP include but are not limited to the following: passport application fees, U.S. domestic travel to and from the nearest airport, personal incidentals during the program such as gift purchases, personal time excursions, etc. F-1 Student Optional Practical Training (OPT)  Information Session The International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO) staff will outline your employment options  for off-campus work following completion of an academic program. We will discuss eligibility requirements, time limitations, and application deadlines and procedures for off-campus employment (Practical Training) after your program of study. The New York City Career Series The New York City Career Series was established in 2005 by the Office of Career Services and is designed to provide a forum for students to discuss career trends with professionals in their fields of interest. It is comprised of approximately 20 career panels that take place throughout the school year, including topics such as Human Rights, Urban Policy, Gender Policy, the United Nations, Public and Private Consulting, Finance and Media. Panelists include a mixture of SIPA alumni and other professionals working in New York City. The Career Series allows SIPA students to make important connections for jobs, internships and informational interviews.   Many of the private sector career panels were held during the fall semester, while those with a more public sector focus will be held in the spring. Here is a list of the upcoming career  panels for the Spring semester: Monday, February 28, 2011: Gender Policy Career Panel 6:00-7:30pm, Room 1512 IAB Monday, February 28, 2011: Urban Policy and New York City Government Career Panel 6:15-7:45pm, Room 1501 IAB Tuesday, March 1, 2011: Foundations Career Panel 6:00-7:30pm, Room 1512 IAB Wednesday, March 2, 2011: Security and Political Risk Analysis Career Panel 6:00-7:30pm, Room 1512 IAB Monday, March 7, 2011: Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs Career Panel 6:00-7:30pm, Room 1510 IAB Tuesday, March 8, 2011: Social Enterprise Career Panel 6:00-7:30pm, Room 1512 IAB Wednesday, March 9, 2011: Non Profits/NGOs Career Panel 6:00-7:30pm, Room 1501 IAB Monday, March 28, 2011: Public Sector Consulting Career Panel 6:00-7:30pm, Room 1512 IAB Tuesday, March 29, 2011: Environmental Policy Career Panel 6:00-7:30pm, Room 1512 IAB India Employer Outreach Trip: Report by Irene Coffman, Director of Employer Outreach In my new role as Director of Employer Outreach, I took my first overseas trip to India in November 2010, along with representatives from three other Association of Professional Schools in International Affairs (APSIA)  schools.   During the course of the trip we met with 28 organizations located in Mumbai and Delhi, as well as alumni. We met with a spectrum of organizations that included private sector firms, think tanks, NGOs and multilaterals that included: Monitor Inclusive Markets, Yes Bank, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Infrastructure Development Finance Company, Azure Power, TERI (The Energy Research Institute), Oxfam India, Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, Centre for Social Research, UN Development Programme, Aga Kahn Foundation, and American India Foundation. Several of the organizations we met with have already posted internships for the summer and we are in the process of following up with the rest. Peer Perspectives Series Would you enjoy the opportunity to share with your classmates your professional experiences prior to or during SIPA? Give back to the current student body by sharing your expertise in a structured setting. If you have full-time professional work experience in a specific field, sign up to be a speaker as part of the OCS Peer Perspective Series that will showcase one of SIPAs greatest resources, its student body! Alumni Career Advisory Program (ACAP) Attention students! Please note that you have access to the Alumni Career Advisory Program (ACAP), which is part of the SIPA Global Connection alumni website. ACAP is an online directory of SIPA alumni who have volunteered to serve as career mentors to current SIPA students and fellow alumni. ACAP is an excellent source for networking. Online Job Search Resources Current students have access to Vault Online Career Library. Vault is the worlds leading source of career information.   It will make your efforts at researching employers, industries, and career subjects infinitely easier and more efficient. In addition, students have access to Wet Feet Library. Since 1994, WetFeet has been a trusted third party for job seekers, helping students and young professionals make smarter career decisions. The Wetfeet Career Resource Site gives you access to the complete Insider Guide library and the inside scoop on more than 1,000 companies, careers, and industries, along with videos and tips to help find and score your ideal job. Also, please check out our new subscription to the Going Global database! Packed with country-specific career information, this research tool provides expert advice and insider tips for finding employment opportunities domestically and abroad. Explore career and employment opportunities in countries around the world.   Listings are updated daily.   Resources include: business and networking groups, job search resources, cost of living data and more. H-1B employer listings are included in each City Guide, as well as a state-by-state roster.   Access more than 400,000+ country-specific company profiles.    (Available to students and alumni, UNI authentication required.)

Monday, June 22, 2020

The Problems with Police Departments - Free Essay Example

When it comes to policing, there can be a bad stigma with the police departments and how they work. Police offices can often overstep laws and even break them. Many times, issues of police officers disobeying rules can be turned into worldwide problems. Abuse of power can be classified as excessive use of force, police shootings, and police corruption. Even though the majority of officers are good, the small percentage of corrupted officers can ruin the good image policing has. The corruption can lead to a lack of trust from the community and even protests. Abuse of power in policing will always be a huge issue but the negative media attention it receives will be a bigger enemy. The profession has been ripped apart over the years because of incidents that have to do with excessive force, shootings, and even reacting too quickly on the officers end. The problem when it comes to policing is the constant spotlight on every move that is made. The smallest of errors can be broadcasted for the whole world to see because of the strong presence of the media. The question then becomes is it the select few police departments that need to make a change or do these extreme cases show the corruption throughout the States (Samuels, 2000). The challenge to most officers is being able to treat every person as if it is their first interaction with the police, making sure they don’t see race or status and also remember the laws (Rosenbaum, 2005). The media shows a special interest in police misconduct and other issues. Studies have shown that 44% of people learn about police encounters through the media (Rosenbaum, 2005). This just shows how bad headline can go viral and cause extreme cases of protests and fear within civilians. It is found that many officers find it unacceptable to bring their own opinions into how they treat victims but there is still a solid line of segregation when it comes to officers views on how to handle situations regarding that of race, status, and even gender (Samuels, 2000). Often times, police officers can be blinded by the status or race of a person when handling a fast pace situation. Whether someone is black or white or receives low-income or high-income, it shouldn’t dictate the treatment they receive from any police officer. â€Å"Once we form impressions of other people, †¦ we tend to seek out information that confirms our existing expectations and challenges information that disconfirms our expectations† (Rosenbaum, 2005). One study even showed that one in six people believe that white people will be treated better than other races by police. (Samuels, 2000). It is evident that people are very aware of the difference in treatment depending on how you ar e as a person or even on how you look. The problems with policing directly affect all three parts of the Criminal Justice System, police, courts, and corrections. Considering it’s talking directly about policing, it should be noted that it has been around since 1829 but it split into different eras, the Colonial, Political, Professional, and Community Policing Era (Cole, 2018). Police officers must know the rights of an individual and the civil rights that come along with it (Samuels, 2000). The court system being the second part involves the police officers because they not only work in the system but they can be involved with the cases going on in court. Abuse of power cases can be brought in front of the court and can make it complicated because of the different types of police contact (Rosenbaum, 2005). They are considered a norm enforcement which means their role in â€Å"enforcing society’s rules and standards for behavior a function that contributes to peace and stability in society† (Cole, 20 18). They work alongside police enforcement when it comes to maintaining a peaceful and safe environment. The last part of the criminal justice system is the corrections. Corrections is the different types of programs that are made to manage the people who have been imprisoned or convicted of a crime (Cole, 2018). With corrections, many assume that the way the person is dealt with when being arrested will then result in what happens with that person when choosing what will happen to them afterward (Rosenbaum, 2005). Police corruption can allow one officer to be bias within a situation and treat one person differently than someone who was convicted of the same thing. Although controlling abuse of power doesn’t sound like it can be done, small changes and strong leadership can lead to trust being rebuilt towards police. Controlling this has to be done on both ends of the spectrum. Four out of every five Americans don’t have direct contact with the police yet there is still a huge barrier between police and their communities because of the bad news constantly circling the media (Rosenbaum, 2005). The police alongside the community needs to rebuild together in order to create better relationships and views for the future. Police discretion, the ability to make smart decisions in difficult situations, needs to be actively used (Cole, 2018). As talked about in Criminal Justice in America, there should be five steps always followed when considering a complex situation. One should always first consider the nature of the crime. This will dictate the severity of the incident and what actions should be taken. Second, how the criminal and vict im are related. Arguments between family members and strangers can call in different actions on the police end. The relationship between the officer and the victim can dictate future actions like how hostile or understanding a victim is to a higher authority. Race, gender, and status again are sometimes filed into how someone is treated. Even though that may not always be the best decision, it is one that must be taken into accountability. Lastly, how the policies of each department are different and discretion can be exercised in less or more extreme ways. Officers are going to face difficult challenges with all types of citizens and they â€Å" are charged with maintaining order and enforcing laws.† (Cole, 2018). To fix this issue, policing needs to retrace its steps back to the beginning and see where things took a turn. Another small solution to a big problem is car cameras. By monitoring each situation from either the officer or the car, it allows complicated situations to be read through evidence. New developments have shown that all the evidence collected would automatically be saved so no data will be lost (Cole, 2018). Having smarter equipment will keep officers and victims safer going forward. Going back to the basic things such as the five steps of police discretion and simple problem-solving skills can resolve incidents that end in unnecessary injuries or even death.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

The History of Cosmetics and the Trends in the Fashion...

This research paper will discuss some of the history of cosmetics and new trends and types of cosmetics in the fashion industry and different types of hair extensions. Would you ever guess that film makeup started back when there was black and white movies? One type of cosmetic in the fashion industry would be eyelash extensions, or fake eyelashes. Eyelash extensions have been around since 1916 , but recently have become a trend. The first fake eyelashes were made of human hair and were made for an actress to wear in a movie. Fake eyelashes can be made from human hair or from synthetic materials. There are two different kinds of fake eyelashes. There are temporary and eyelash extensions, The main difference is that the adhesive or glue,†¦show more content†¦Corrective makeup can also be used to enhance good features of the face or body. When planning on doing corrective makeup you need the right supplies. For corrective makeup you should always have lip lining pencils, different shades of foundations and concealers, different color eye shadows , and translucent powders. When doing corrective makeup it is always important to know what to pay close attention to when working with different areas of the face. When working with eyes , decide whether the eyes are set close together or far apart ,and if they are wide or narrow ,and depending on the color of the eyes what color eye shadow you should use. For eyebrows, always take into mind what face shape the person has. A high arched eyebrow could make a long face appear longer. While working in different areas you always have to pay close attention on what colors and techniques you shouldnt use. Corrective makeup makes many women ,and men feel better about things they dont like about themselves. Instead of getting plastic surgery , people can learn to enhance or hide the parts of their face that they are not completely happy with. The biggest and most creative form of makeup would be Special effects makeup. Special effects makeup is used mainly in film , movies , modeling and theatre. The first use of special effects makeup wasShow MoreRelatedThe Global Beauty Industry Value Being Estimated Around Us $ 265 Billion1987 Words   |  8 PagesWith the global beaut y industry value being estimated around US$265 billion by 2017, it is evident that the cosmetic industry is a successful one. Hence, this paper will focus on the elements that have shaped the personal grooming industry, into what it is today. The evolution of the cosmetic industry will be highlighted. Furthermore, the estimated revenues made as of 2015, will be underscored to show this industry’s market values and statistical diagrams will be used to represent the most relevantRead MoreWar, And Fashion Magazines1286 Words   |  6 Pagesmakeup at all. The 20th century changed dramatically due to the silent films, war, and fashion magazines. I will give you a brief description of each decade of the 20th century up to the 21st century. I. 20th century 1920’s The 1920’s cosmetics was now used in greater abundance than ever before. It was the most daring decade of cosmetics due to the dramatic and bold vamp and flapper look of silent films and fashion magazines. Silent films was a powerful style leader of the vamp look which was accidentalRead MoreThe Georgian Era ( 1714-1830 ) Essay1402 Words   |  6 PagesThe Georgian Era (1714-1830) Reigns of George I,II, III, IV. Fashion for high society was very haute couture, with dresses of silk and satin – however, personal hygiene took a backseat as it was not as high a priority as physical appearance. Women rarely bathed, body odours were disguised by aromatic toilet waters, and they wore or carried with them scent bottles of perfumes. Pale skin in this era was also still desirable. Hair was elaborately dressed, held in place with waxes and fats, usuallyRead MoreThe Historical Record Of Makeup1625 Words   |  7 PagesBeauty was considered as important in Ancient time as it is today. People might have had never thought of the significance of it in ancient time and assumes it to be a trend of a 20th century. Women have had always looked for ways to enhance their beauty which is why makeup was invented in Ancient times back in 3100BC and is being used more commonly today than ever before. Makeup has gone through many changes and improvement itself to make it easier and safer for its users. I will discuss on howRead MoreAnalysis Of Here s The Heart Of The Matter 1664 Words   |  7 Pagesmedia has truly impacted the beauty industry. The beauty industry has grown over the years and this past year has enormously increased. Due to social media growth, it has influenced the beauty industry to change its concepts of beauty today. Social media has helped the beauty industry enormously to spread out some of the most popular trends of today. First, baking has been used for many years in the drag community but it has become a must in the cosmetic industry. Baking is used in the under eye areaRead MoreEssay on Ulta Beauty: the Journey and Investment1058 Words   |  5 PagesInvestment Before ULTA entered the beauty market in 1990, a woman would have to go to multiple stores to find cosmetic, fragrance, and salon products. ULTA has become a woman’s one-stop-beauty department store, they house everything from brands such as Revlon to Està ©e Lauder, products such as nail polish to specialty shampoos, and they even offer makeup and hair services. In this industry of beauty there are many competitors and companies must stay ahead of their competition, ULTA has done this andRead MoreThe History of Cosmetics1400 Words   |  6 Pagesfew of the reasons Americans are obsessed with cosmetics. The cosmetic industry has become a multi-billion dollar industry in the United States. Although cosmetics and treatments have changed over the centuries, the purpose remains the same- to improve and enhance our appearance. Cosmetics not only provide us with more beautiful features, flawless skin, and less wrinkles, they have become a part of who we are. The practice of makeup and cosmetic application first originated in the era of the AncientRead MoreLuxury Industry in France1655 Words   |  7 PagesLuxury industry in France    Luxury is artificial definition and cannot be easily transferred into real life. It is a notion of anything that is useless and superfluous in real life. However, it can be often associated with beauty (art, entertainment, design, dà ©cor or trend) and remains one of the driving forces behind society’s spending. It is true that luxury speaks and renown’s itself by big spending and indeed, outlandish expenditure is often associated with it. The world luxury market is worthRead MoreCosmetology : Old Of The New1141 Words   |  5 PagesIV 15 September 2014 Cosmetology: Old to the New Has anyone ever noticed the wackiest or unrealistic makeup, and hair styles that people have, and wondered if they looked in the mirror before they left their house in the morning? Every modern day trend is reflecting back on the stylish ways of the era. Today’s hair and makeup styles generated from years ago and have come back but with a modern twist! Where did cosmetology begin? What advances where made throughout the decades in chemical and technologicalRead MoreMarketing -Chanel1407 Words   |  6 Pagescalled Bourjois. Bourjois successfully introduced dry rough to the European market in the 1890’s. The company grew rapidly, and by the early 1920’s Bourjois had begun making and distributing skin creams from his Rochester, New York, plant for cosmetic industry giant Helena Rubenstein. Through the Wertheimer family would control the finances of Chanel from its inception, the impetus and creative vision for the company came from Coco Chanel. Theophile Bade r, founder of the successful French department

Monday, May 18, 2020

Twelve Angry Men - American Legal Justice System - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 827 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/03/26 Category Art Essay Level High school Tags: 12 Angry Men Essay Film Analysis Essay Justice Essay Did you like this example? The story I chose was 12 Angry Men by Reginald Rose written in 1957. Twelve men were picked to sit on a jury for a murder trial. The accused was an 18-year-old boy. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Twelve Angry Men American Legal Justice System" essay for you Create order He was on trial for murdering his father. If he is convicted, hell receive a death sentence. This sets the tone for the Play. Bothered by the heat making the room uncomfortable, the jurors had to cast a preliminary vote which came out to eleven guilty and one not guilty. Juror Eight was the only person to vot not guilty and demanded that they discussed the case further. Juror Eight began to question the prosecutions arguments. The knife was originally was thought to be a unique knife and narrowed it down to the accused. He argued that the knife was a common knife and that anyone couldve had that style knife and killed his father. This was explained by the following text in the play: (EIGHT reaches casually into his pocket and withdraws an object. No one notices this. He stands up quietly.) FOUR. Arent you trying to make us accept a pretty incredible coincidence? EIGHT. Im not trying to make anyone accept it. Im just saying its possible. THREE (shouting). And Im saying its not possible. (EIGHT swiftly flicks open the blade of the switch-knife and quickly jams it into the table next to the first one. They are exactly alike. There are several gasps and everyone stares at the knife. There is a long silence.) THREE (slowly, amazed). What are you trying to do? TEN (loud). Yeah, what is this? Who do you think you are? FIVE. Look at it! Its the same knife! (Rose) He also distinguished that the downstairs neighbor that witnessed the murder was not likely to have seen what they said they saw. Slowly, through juror 8s reasoning, the other jurors started changing their votes. It seemed like it was going to be a hung jury, but Juror Eights arguments was successful in changing the other jurors minds. The last one to hold out, Juror Three, finally changed his vote to not guilty at the end. The boy was acquitted of all charges. Twelve Angry Men was a glimpse of the American legal justice system during the era that if was filmed. Screenwriter Reginald Rose saw American society as crumbling amongst itself, and 12 Angry Men stands as a warning to Americans: remember your responsibilities, stay unified, and be understanding with one another, or the nation will fall. By the end, the film is not about whether or not the accused man was guilty or innocent its about whether or not these 12 diverse men with individual prejudices and personalities can figure out how to work together and come to a decision. (Saporito). We found eleven men, persuaded by prejudices, personal experiences, and impractical thinking, tested by one man who held himself and the other jurors to a higher standard of justice. He commanded that this disregarded member of society be given a fair trial and his due process. We saw the jurors struggle between the responsibility to punish the guilty and to protect the innocent. It proved that the log ic behind the justice system does work. The play also spoke about how America was a melting pot of different cultures, concepts, opinions, and personalities. This jury included a German immigrant watchmaker to an affluent broker to a nurse at a hospital. These men characterized the diversity in America and the many challenges that it presented. This battle became a vital part of the war within the play. Rose expressed this by making the jury room hot with the AC or fan not working to represent their hot tempers. But as the story went on, the tempers cooled as the rain and the finding of a fan in the seemed to cool off the room and they can think more reasonably. Another thing I found interesting is that throughout the play, no names are used. You never hear the names of the jurors, anyone involved in the case, or even the witnesses. The lack of names given in the play was a reminder that its not the single person that matters in a jury. Its the jury and its part in the judicial process. The defendant is mentioned as either defendant, accused, or boy. The witnesses are called the downstairs neighbor or the old man. There was no suggestions of time and place, except that it happened in the summer. I believe that it was with the expectation that anyone reading it will reflect on the bigger picture and not on the characters themselves. A reader may think that this somehow takes away from the characters personalities or the audiences ability to relate to them. To the contrary, the unnamed men who are tasked with the fate of a young man could be your father, husband, son, or grandfather and every personality type is portrayed in this fascinating p sychological drama. (Bradford)

Monday, May 11, 2020

After the Black Death in Europe, It Is Time for a New...

Late fifteenth century and early sixteenth century Europe are classified by a time of change and the start to new beginnings. The Black Death left all of Europe in shambles and in a state of extreme disorder. The population decreased dramatically and the economic, social and political state was extremely hindered. Through the reformation and renaissance Europe finally began to somewhat recover from this catastrophe. This time of change became a cultural movement all across Europe that began to reform and mend the problems that the people were dealing with. Social changes were made regarding the hierarchy in society. Political changes were made regarding the ruling of the city-states. And economic changes were made regarding available jobs†¦show more content†¦All these things seemed to be positive changes, but these were positive changes for the rich, the poor had a different experience during this time of change. Because of the shift in production and need for workers peasa nts were forced off their land and resorted to begging and wandering around asking for food or even resorting to theft. Crime became a very serious problem that many did not know how to deal with. In More’s novel Utopia there is a conversation between Hythloday and Cardinal Morton, chancellor to Henry VII, and in this conversation they argued about the â€Å"right† way to deal with the crime of theft. More believed that, â€Å"unless their crime was accompanied by violence, thieves, are neither imprisoned nor shackled but are employed, free and unconstrained, in doing public works† (More 38). Unlike the capital punishment practiced in England, More believed that thefts should taken as petty crimes and punished accordingly which is what he demonstrated in the Utopian society. This is just one instance where Utopia fixes a problem that is occurring in Europe. During the late fifteenth century and early sixteenth century many economic changes took place as w ell that had a major impact on Europe as a whole. To start, the population had dropped dramatically after the Black Death and as the renaissance developed the population increased greatly.Show MoreRelatedThe Black Death Of Europe1231 Words   |  5 Pagesfound regarding the history of the Black Death in Europe. It incorporates the beginning of the plague, the way that it spread, and the toll it took on Europe’s population. It answers questions concerning the context of my topic, the importance of subject at hand, as well as the affects it had on the society during and after this tragedy. Concluding this paper answers the final question of why people should know about this subject in the first place. The Black Death was single handedly one of the worstRead MoreThe Plague Of The Bubonic Plague975 Words   |  4 Pagesknown as the Black Death, was a severe outbreak of disease that spread in Europe in the 14th century from 1346-1353. The disease spread faster then originally expected of killing only twenty or thirty percent but killed 60 percent of Europe s population ( Benedictow). It is believed the population of Europe was around eighty million and that would add up to be fifty million deaths. It was a horrific death for one to experience and can still be found in the world today. The Black Death was a tragicRead MoreThe Black Plague Of Middle Ages1257 Words   |  6 PagesMiddle Aged Europe was an expansive period of time and marked the beginning of the Renaissance. A period of time in which reformation of important social aspects such as religion, education, and the arts was active and advancing at a rapid rate. Significance of intellectual inquiry and the belief in the huma n mind helped shape many new philosophical ideas and theories that would be spoken about for hundreds of years. This increasingly advanced period of time was quickly halted around the middle ofRead MoreThe Black Death Pandemic967 Words   |  4 Pages The Black Death: A Murderous Pandemic that Led Life to How it is Today The Black Death, a horrible pandemic plague that spread through all of Europe, taking 25,000,000 people along with it. In 1347, a mysterious pandemic appeared in the city-states of Italy just as Europe was recovering from famine. The Epidemic did not end until 1351 partly due to the belief of the people that this plague was spread through the air and was gods way of punishing them for their sins. Although this plague killedRead MoreThe Dark Ages Of Europe1672 Words   |  7 PagesThe Dark Ages of Europe is one of the most known horrible times recorded in human history. When Rome finally crumbled it was a devastating time, it lead to the worst time period that Europe has ever seen; full of disease and poverty. It started in 410 A.D and ended in 1200 A.D. During this time people would rather die a horrible death than to actually live through this time. Terrifying Vikings tore through the continent along with cruel Knights. Barbarians ravaged through what was first the amazingRead More The Black Plague in Great Britain838 Words   |  3 PagesEra was a time of knights and castles, royals and peasants, plague and famine, war and death. In the 1300’s a devastating plague swept across of most of Europe and Asia. It killed millions of people. Upon reaching Britain it killed over one-third the population. The Black Death, in only a few years, had left a permanent mark on Britain, its economy, the feudalism system and its culture through the cause of the major population decline in the 14th century. The Black Plague or Black Death is believedRead MorePositive and Negative Results of The Black Plague847 Words   |  4 PagesThe Black Plague, perhaps one of the worst epidemics in history, swept its evil across Europe in the middle of the 14th century, killing an estimated 20 million people. This major population shift, along with other disasters occurring at the time, such as famine and an already existing economic recession, plunged Europe into a dark period of complete turmoil. Anarchy, psychological breakdowns, and the dissipation of church power were some of the results. As time passed, however, society managed toRead MoreThe Economic, Political, and Social Effects of the Black Death1268 Words   |  6 Pages1351 in Europe. This massive destruction of human life was known as the Black Death. This Black Death was an ecological disaster on a global scale. The effects of the plague on human and certain animal populations from East Asia to as far west as Greenland were catastro phic. All facets of society, from peasant to king were affected; no one was safe. All of society was affected; nothing would ever be the same. Thus, there were many economic, social, and political effects of the Black Death. BeforeRead MoreThe Black Death Essay1196 Words   |  5 Pagesfalling down. The nursery rhyme refers to the Black Death, one of the worst plagues of all time (Schladweller). Known as infectious diseases that spread quickly and kill countless people, plagues have had a tremendous affect on people around the world since the beginning of time. The Black Death, also known as the bubonic plague, is a contagious bacterial infection that has killed millions of people. With the bubonic plague brutally killing one fourth of Europe in the 14th century and devastating ChinaRead MoreThe Black Plague : New York : The Free Pass 19831290 Words   |  6 Pages The Black Plague BY: Kevin Arellano World History,Per.7,Mrs.Sutherland April 24,2015 Works Cited 1.)Robert S. Gottfried. The Black Plague. New York :The Free Pass 1983 2.)The Black Death. AE .Television Networks.1979 3.)Don Nardo. The Black Death.Minneapoles.2011 4.)Sheri Johnson.The Medieval Plague.Minnesota 5.)Stephen Person. Bubonic Plague, The Black Plague. New York Introduction/Origin Do you know what The Black Plague was, it was a horrible disease that people

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Drug Trafficking - 1134 Words

The international drug trade from Latin American states is having an impact on a global scale. The trafficking of drugs along with corruptness and murder is an international conflict that is being fought daily. There are many aspects of the drug war from Mexico and other Latin American states which have effects on United States policy as well as policies from other countries that participate in the global suppression of illegal drugs. It can be hard to differentiate between conflict and issue in regards to Latin America’s drug war and International Relations. The Mexican drug war is a global issue because it interferes with the states ability to collaborate and form policy in order to address the issues between international borders.†¦show more content†¦Now, drug trafficking has been taken to the world stage. In regards to the Mexican drug cartels the United States is working with Mexican interdiction efforts, establishing corruption resistant court systems and polic e agencies, in order to help fight off a security threat to the United States. (Meyer 2009) With the United States being a hegemonic power, one state holding a preponderance of power in the international system allowing it to dominate the rules and arrangements in international political and economic decisions are made power in the world, they have imposed states with certain conditions/standards in order to receive aid. Mexico has frequently stated that the Untied States is acting unilaterally and violating their sovereignty. Sovereignty is the idea that each state has the right to do whatever it desires within its own territory. Another reason that this conflict is being targeted by different government organizations is that terrorists have become involved in the drug trade. The United States is concerned that due to the weakened budget from the efforts of the war on terror and the war on drugs its borders are becoming available to the smuggling of terrorists. (Levin 2010) With th e passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement, signed by the United States, Canada, and Mexico that allows for the trade of goods with little or no tariffs or trade restrictions, concerns were raised asShow MoreRelatedAssesment of Drug Trafficking Example1058 Words   |  5 PagesAssessment of Human Trafficking Cole Bootz Arizona State University Abstract Assessing the crime of Human Trafficking over the Arizona border from Mexico there were a lot of effective methods and non-effective methods used when trying to prevent human trafficking. It was most commonly found in my research, there were more ineffective methods than effective ones. During the assessment I continually focus on the more positive ways to combat human trafficking because of the significant impactRead MoreMexican Trafficking And Drug Trafficking1341 Words   |  6 Pagesmurders, prostitution, drug dealing, extortion, human trafficking, gun trafficking, drug trafficking, car thief, and cartels wars. Have you ever been a victim of any of this crimes listed above in Mexico? Sadly most people who lived in Mexico tend to be victims of a crime. In Mexico 1 out of every 8,300 people are violently murdered. Most murder rates are in the borders near the United States. However the murder rate has gone down in most places. In the other hand drug trafficking and kidnapping has Read MoreDrug Trafficking Organizations And Drugs1296 Words   |  6 PagesDrug Trafficking Organizations â€Å"Imagine living in a place where you can kill anyone you wish and nothing happens except that they fall dead† (Morris 216). With drug trafficking organizations people in Mexico live in a world where this is part of their everyday lives. More than 16,600 deaths were attributed to drug trafficking in 2011 (Schedler 6). People live in a world like the Wild West where there seems to be no social control. This is a problem because innocent people are losing their lives overRead MoreThe Trafficking Of Smuggling Drugs1246 Words   |  5 PagesSmuggling Drugs in Airports Over the recent past, there has been major growth in illegal trafficking of humans, firearms and most importantly drugs (UN, 2012). These kinds of trafficking are characterized by greater organisation levels. They are also denoted by the presence of criminal groups and chains. Though these activities are not new, both the geographic area and scale of the present problem is unprecedented. The value of illegal trade in 2009 throughout the world was about $1.3 trillion (JennerRead MoreThe Problem Of Drug Trafficking1669 Words   |  7 Pagessome goods such as food, but restricting others like illegal immigration and drug trafficking. The US has been trying to stop drug smugglers and illegal immigration by setting some policies. When Salinas became the president of Mexico, his number one priority was to stop drug trafficking and smuggling it into the US so both countries could sit and talk about NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement). Drug trafficking was and still is the number on e problem in Mexico. â€Å"During Salina’s six-year termRead MoreChildren in Drug Trafficking903 Words   |  4 PagesChildren In Drug Trafficking Child Forced Labor in Brazil is modern-day slavery. Worst forms of child labour in 19 countries and one border area. Investigations for these have been made through rapid assessment prepared jointly by ILO/UNICEF. â€Å"International Labour Organization (ILO) through the International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) and the Statistical Information and Monitoring Programme on Child Labour (SIMPOC), has made a major commitment to the elimination of theRead MoreThe Problem Of Drug Trafficking10787 Words   |  44 Pagesng in the United States Drug trafficking is the worldwide illegitimate trade, which involve the cultivating, producing, distributing and the selling of materials that are subject to the drug proscription laws. There are a number of drugs which are trafficked into the United States. These include, but are not limited to heroin, marijuana and cocaine. The system of drug trafficking in the United States as well as in other countries and continents remains very complex. Although the government and non-governmentRead MoreThe Problem Of Drug Use And Trafficking843 Words   |  4 Pagesthe problem of drug use and trafficking and the multiple possibilities of solving this issue) It has come to my attention that a certain issue needs to be addressed and if this issue continues to grow then this town could see some serious changes and people could find themselves in serious dilemmas. The issue I am addressing is drug use and trafficking that has been known of for many years. Due to the fact that the least bit of attention has been brought upon drug trafficking it has begun toRead MoreThe Involvement Of International Drug Trafficking997 Words   |  4 PagesThe CIA wanted to stop drug trafficking, and out an end to it, when there was money involved it was a different story, the Cia thought to keep this on the low would be a good idea, they ended up thinking wrong, it’s a conspiracy gone wrong, they believed that by selling drugs, they can make a lot more money, they knew it was a bad thing to do, but business is business, they had to do what had to be done, this conspiracy that they did backfired on them dramatically, it cost them innocent lives all Read MoreDrugs And Illegal Possession And Trafficking1409 Words   |  6 PagesBelieve it or not, drugs have been around for thousands of years. In the medical field, drugs are any type of medicine (or other substance), which has a physiological effect when it is ingested or otherwise introduced into the body. Drugs can produce both harmful and beneficial effects once it is consumed and, â€Å"decisions about when and how to use them therapeutically always involve balancing the benefits and risks† (Rang 1). Drugs approved for human use are available through prescription and can

Global Health Free Essays

This is a reaction essay to Cholera in Sierra Leone: the case study of an outbreak retrieved from According to A. D. A. We will write a custom essay sample on Global Health or any similar topic only for you Order Now M. Medical Encyclopedia,â€Å"Cholera is an infection of the small intestine that causes a large amount of watery diarrhea. Cholera is caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. The bacteria releases a toxin that causes increased release of water from cells in the intestines, which produces severe diarrhea (National Institute of Health ,U. S. National Library of Medicine – The World’s Largest Medical Library,A. D. A. M. Medical Encyclopedia, May 30th 2012). † If left untreated, it can kill within hours and almost eighty percent of cases can be successfully treated with oral rehydration salts. People get infected by eating or drinking contaminated food and water and it usually manifests in places with poor sanitation, crowding, war, and famine like Africa, Asia, India, Mexico and South and Central America. The availability of safe drinking water and proper sanitation is critical in reducing the impact of cholera and other waterborne diseases. Oral cholera vaccine also reduces the risk of death by fifty percent . Sierra Leone, a West African country that has been ravaged by wars for years , experienced the worst Cholera outbreak in fifteen years. As of september 19th of this year, 19000 cases and 274 deaths have been reported. It was unusual for the Cholera outbreaks to occur in February , the middle of the dry season because most cholera outbreaks take place in the rainy season. At the onset of the cholera outbreak, the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, WHO , UNICEF and Medecins Sans Frontieres-Belgium worked together to detect, confirm ,treat and prevent the cholera outbreak . But when it started raining in June, cholera spread rapidly and by August, 2000 cases were reported per week. The Ministry of Health and Sanitation have also set up a network for all health centres to report daily cases of outbreaks and have been working with WHO and partners in spreading messages about safe drinking water, hand washing and food preparation. WHO has also brought in additional experts in epidemiology, surveillance, logistics, social mobilization, water and sanitation from other WHO country offices and set up a ‘ Cholera command and control centre’. Inspite of all these efforts, there is a severe shortage of oral rehydration salts and they are expecting 32 000 cases in this outbreak. * ————————————————- â€Å"? The health of a country is often based on infant and mother morbidity and mortality rates (GCH-205-DL2, Module 4, Lauren Savaglio). † In 2007, Sierra Leone had the highest level of child mortality in the world. Maternal mortality is also one of the highest in the world. One in eight women risk dying during pregnancy and childbirth. The infant mortality rate of Sierra Leone is 123 deaths per 1000 live births in 2009 . Babies born in Sierra Leone in 2005 had a life expectancy of only 38 years. So it can be said that public health is generally poor in Sierra Leone. â€Å"Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and causes of health and illness in populations (Jacobsen,p. 7). † In the case of the cholera outbreak in Sierra Leone, the infections started in the western area of the country where the capital, Freetown, is located. Cholera outbreaks usually occur in the rainy season but the outbreak in Sierra Leone started in February which is in the middle of the dry month. According to World Health Organization, â€Å" Cholera is an extremely virulent disease. It affects both children and adults and can kill within hours. About 75% of people infected with V. cholerae do not develop any symptoms, although the bacteria are present in their faeces for 7–14 days after infection and are shed back into the environment, potentially infecting other people. Among people who develop symptoms, 80% have mild or moderate symptoms, while around 20% develop acute watery diarrhoea with severe dehydration. This can lead to death if untreated. People with low immunity – such as malnourished children or people living with HIV – are at a greater risk of death if infected (National Institute of health ,U. S. National Library of Medicine – The World’s Largest Medical Library,A. D. A. M. Medical Encyclopedia, May 30th 2012). † Therefore the risk factors of transmission of Cholera in a developing country like Sierra Leone is very high since there is no adequate environmental management and no minimum requirements for clean drinking water and sanitation. Like Jacobsen states in the textbook, Introduction to Global Health, â€Å"†¦ eep in mind socioeconomic, political, behavioral, and environmental risk factors that contribute to creating the context in which the disease occurs(Jacobsen,p. 13). † * ————————————————- Since cholera causes dehydration, the disease is treated usi ng oral rehydration therapy (ORT), which is basically a solution made with water, sugar and salts. They can be bought as prepackaged mixtures or can also be made at home by combining clean, boiled 1 litre of water with 8 teaspoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt. But sometimes, severe cases of cholera require intravenous fluid replacement. Antibiotics can shorten illness, but should still be used in combination with the Oral Rehydration Therapy. The most basic way of preventing cholera is making sure communities prone to these epidemics have access to clean water and proper sanitation . Communities should also be educated about the importance of proper hygiene like hand-washing with soap after using the restroom and before cooking or eating . They should also be educated about safe handling , preparation and storage of food . Media such as radio, television or newspapers and even community and religious leaders can also be effective in spreading health education messages. And at times, early detection of the outbreak and timely provisions of treatment , like in the Sierra Leone case, is also necessary to reduce the number of deaths. * ————————————————- I think, at the onset of the outbreak, Sierra Leone’s Ministry of Health and Sanitation did a great job in working with the government and other health sectors to confirm the outbreak of the disease even though the country has very few resources and capacity. With the help of WHO, the Ministry of Health and Sanitation and partners including UNICEF and Medecins Sans Frontieres-Belgium was also able to detect, treat and prevent the spread of cholera. They also set up a â€Å" cholera command and control centre† and trained health workers in cholera treatment and prevention. They were successful in reducing the number of outbreaks to fewer than 40 per week but when the rainy season started in June, the epidemic spread rapidly to other districts and the number of cases arose to 2000 per week. But it should be noted that in Freetown, where the first outbreak occurred, there has been ignificant reduction of cases. WHO’s Representative in Sierra Leone, Dr Wondimagegnehu Alemu, states that many villages affected by the epidemic still face a shortage of Oral Rehydration Therapy solution, the most effective and life saving treatment for an outbreak like this. The cholera epidemic in Sierra Leone made me realize how health inequalities does exist between the poor and rich population and how â€Å" even with improved prevention and therapeutic techniques, infectious diseases continue to be health risk in all populations (Jacobsen,p. 1). † It is also evident that the Socioeconomic status (SES) of Sierra Leone has played a major role in the cause and prevention of this cholera epidemic. Like Dr. Alemu mentioned in the article, an outbreak like this is a â€Å"major crisis for a country with a fragile health system recovering from several years of conflict (Health topics:Cholera in Sierra Leone: the case study of an outbreak; World Health Organization, September 2012). But looking at the bright side, Dr Eugene Lam, epidemic intelligence service officer from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (USA) working for the Global Polio Eradication Initiative,states that â€Å" Messages about safe drinking water, hand washing and food preparation will not only reduce the cholera infections but also reduce a ll diarrhoeal disease, a big killer of children under-five in Sierra Leone (Health topics:Cholera in Sierra Leone: the case study of an outbreak; World Health Organization, September 2012). Jacobsen states in the preface to the textbook â€Å" If health is a human right, then basic health care and protection from preventable diseases should be available to all people , regardless of the condition that have made them vulnerable to illness, disability, and premature death (Jacobsen,preface xi). † I only hope one day by working together as a global community , we can make sure every single human being, irrespective of their socioeconomic status , can achieve a â€Å"state of complete physical, mental and social well- being (Jacobsen)†. * ————————————————- —————————————â₠¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- * ————————————————- References: * ————————————————- Health topics:Cholera in Sierra Leone: the case study of an outbreak; World Health Organization, September 2012. Retrieved from http://www. who. int/features/2012/cholera_sierra_leone/en/index. html on September 30th,2012. * ————————————————- National Institute of health ,U. S. National Library of Medicine – The World’s Largest Medical Library,A. D. A. M. Medical Encyclopedia, May 30th 2012 . Retrieved from www. ncbi. nlm. nih. ov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001348/ on September 30th,2012 * ——————————— —————- * ————————————————- Health statistics of Sierra Leone;World Health Organization,2012. Retrieved from http://www. who. int/countries/sle/en/index. html on september 30th, 2012 . * ————————————————- * ————————————————- Introduction to Global Health, Kathryn H. Jacobsen . * ————————————————- * ————————————————- GCH-205-DL2 (FALL 2012), Module 4, Lauren Savaglio. How to cite Global Health, Essay examples

Students Deal with Stress free essay sample

Everyone has personal stressors that drive them to drinking. Freshmen have very similar and critical stressors though. Home sickness, studies, lack or loss of relationships are things that students deal with every day. With every stressor, there is a way to cope with it, without resorting to alcohol. For example, when students miss home they should try to make their new place just as comfortable and they should never be shy to call their parents. To deal with lost friends from moving on to university, make new friends! You can still keep in touch with past friends, but making new friends while at university is an essential part of feeling happy and relieving stress while at school. In addition, joining a club or sports team helps to make new friends and is useful as a stress reliever. For example, I joined a volleyball team, and this is a good time to get out of my place to go have some fun, and forget about school for a bit, this usually results in me avoiding drinking. We will write a custom essay sample on Students Deal with Stress or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page To regards with studying, take breaks, treat yourself and remember trying hard is all you can do, so never be disappointed if you put forth an honest effort. There are several ways to avoid stress. Make new friends, go out for supper to avoid cooking or cafeteria food, call family and friends, have leisure times, join a team, don’t cram study, have effective time management so daily schedules aren’t so jam packed and stressful, these are all great ways to overcome stressors without using alcohol or drugs. This being said, drinking alcohol at high rates is detrimental to health, but drinking responsibly isn’t a bad thing to do. In my opinion, there is always room for a couple of beers on the weekend with friends. There are several ways of coping with stress. Meditation, self-talk, and therapy are all coping strategies used to release psychological stress. Coping mechanisms are better than avoiding them, because these coping techniques actually eliminates stresses on your mind, while things like sports and friends just put stress away temporarily. For example, at the beginning of the year I had my childhood dog pass away, and one of my friends pass away in a car accident. To deal with this major stressor, I chose to get therapy because it was a very hard thing to deal with by myself at university. Of course when this tragedy happened, I thought of drinking the pain away was an option, but I knew this wasn’t the best solution. Therapy worked great, it actually decreased the amount of stress I had every day and it helped me move forward with my life. Stressors are easy to overcome, find something to occupy personal time to avoid stress (sports, friends, leisure time, etc. ) or coping mechanisms to deal with them (therapy, meditation, self-talk, etc. ). Nevertheless, if these stress relievers were taught to students more, there would be less university freshmen resolving to drinking when they are stressed. University students do deal with major and minor stressors day-to-day and they can be dealt with properly rather by overusing drugs and alcohol. Thus, promotion of stress relievers would be beneficial for the student population because it would help their health, budget and success rate. In conclusion, drinking alcohol is a very unhealthy and stupid way of dealing with stress and there are several healthier and smarter ways of dealing and coping with stress. References Fahey, T. D. (2010). Fit and well, core concepts and labs in physical fitness and wellness. (2nd ed. ). Insel, P. (2012). Core concepts in health. (Canadian ed. ).

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Stress in Modern Life free essay sample

Cause and effect: stress and city living We all suffer stress sometimes the anxiety and the feeling that life is hard to cope with. According to psychology, stress is an unpleasant state of emotional and psychological arousal that people experience in situations that they perceive as dangerous or threatening to their well being. Is that true that people who live in a city come across more stressful situations than others living in the countryside? In my opinion it is. An extremely dynamic development of big urban agglomerations brought about all known sources of stress, from the population growth, the level of noise, environmental pollution and life speed, to the danger of car accidents and crime increase. The intensity of stress sources concentrated on a small area strengthens stress undoubtedly. First of all, I would like to focus on the traffic in big cities that is incomparably greater than in That is why more and more people there feel frustrated and are more vulnerable to stress and depression than people living in the countryside. We will write a custom essay sample on Stress in Modern Life or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Driving a car in the rush hours for many people is the most stressful situation they can imagine, because it means moving forward very slowly and coming to a stop every several meters. It is widely known that noise does not influence our psyche profitably. A growing aggression can be felt almost tangibly. Sometimes people just need to rest in a peaceful and totally quiet place, which is very difficult to find in a big city, where everyday bustle does not stop even in the late night hours, making a relaxation almost impossible. All of these factors lead to the fact that life is much more nerve-racking in the city in comparison with areas that have the population density of rural areas and villages. On the other hand, a city also may cause isolation because makes possible a situation in which we are in the crowd of people who are totally strange, unfamiliar and absolutely indifferent. The next source of stress in a city is, undoubtedly, a large number of its inhabitants, clustered on a relatively small area. The research shows that such a feeling of alienation is a reason for a serious stress. On the pavements, there are hundreds of people rushing in different directions and colliding with each. Even the pettiest incident may be enough to cause a serious row. Other factor that contributes to the great amount of stress in the city is lack of influence on the conditions, in which we have to live. Every man needs his own living space and his own sphere of privacy, which are violated on every occasion in a big city. These include the traffic jams, noise volume, ubiquitous crowds and car accidents danger and may have very harmful impact on gargantuan citytms inhabitants, who tend to be touchy and over-reactive. We cannot stop the crowd, street noise, traffic and we do not choose the people around us